Trip Game Plan

After baking sandwich bread, bagels, cookies, crackers, and avacado-guacamole bread (recipe to come soon) the last few days to make sure my husband has enough to nibble on for next few weeks, I am ready for vacation!  Ha, no, I really enjoyed it.  The bread I made was the fluffiest and lightest that I have EVER made!  Seriously!  I've come a long way from the first dense, dry loaf of bread I made.  These loaves are SO light and flufy.  Love it!

I have been thinking of my game plan for my trip to home.  It is really quite simple-short and  sweet you might say.  Here it is:

Do the same thing I have been doing.

What? No magical formula?  No secret plan to keep from gaining weight on vacation?  Nope, sorry to dissapoint.  I figured that if I exercise most days a week while I am there (still making it a priority, like normal), and write down EVERYTHING I eat, being a little more leanient on the weekends, then I should not gain any weight.  I can't just go willy nilly and eat everything that everyone else is eating.  I will eat when I am hungry.  I will eat healthy foods when I am hungry.  I realized, that I am in control, even on vacation.  I make  the choice what I eat or don't eat.  How impowering is that?  I will choose to eat healthy and stay active while I am away.  I will do it because its important to me, and I don't want to erase all of the work I have done already.  My workout clothes, and dvds are coming with me.  My food journal is coming with me.  I realize that I won't be able to count EVERY calorie, who wants to do that on vacation anyway?  But, I will write everything I eat down, and I do mean EVERYTHING so that I will stay on track.  I know that if I have to write down everything, that I am less likely to eat because I have to take the time to write it down.  Sweet!  So, there is my plan.  I might even offer to bake bread, and offer to cook treats when they want them.  I would love to bake tons of stuff for them!

P.S.  I checked to see if this one cookbook was at the library-Whole Grain Breads by Peter Reinhart, and when I went, they had so many cookbooks!  I walked away with four...including Healthy Breads in 5 minutes a day and I love and recommend both of these books.  I have tried a few recipes out of them, and enjoy them both.  The whole grain breads book is all about making the transition to whole grains, and they have a cracker recipe (like wheat thins) that I tried the other day, which are yummy, as well as some Artisan breads that I have been dying to try, but did not think there was whole grain recipes for them.  I am so happy!  So, these two books are on my wishlist... I am definitely bringing them to CA with me.  I think that the library is going to see my face a lot more frequently!


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