Ready for a
...week of fun! My parents are coming to visit and I can't be more excited! We are going to go apple picking while they are here (so excited!), and then with those apples we are going to make TONS of applesauce, unsweetened applesauce. The only thing in it is apples! How cool is that??????? And then on Saturday my hubby and I are driving to Dallas to go to the BYU-TCU game while the grandparents watch their grandbaby. What a SWEET deal! We haven't had that amount of time to ourselves, to be just a couple since before the little girl was born. No night-aways for us. I guess that is what happens when we are so far away from family. We can't be more exstatic!
I just can't wait for my parents to get here. I hope I stay busy enough today so it goes by fast! You can't tell I'm excited can you? I'm only a little excited. ha. ;)
I just can't wait for my parents to get here. I hope I stay busy enough today so it goes by fast! You can't tell I'm excited can you? I'm only a little excited. ha. ;)