Rules number 60 and 47 and two more...


There is a reason why I chose these ones to work on.  They are just HARD for me to do. 

The rules we have tried to follow so far:

Treat treats as treats and only have them on days that start with S.  This week I will do that.  I will, I will! 

Eat when you are hungry, not when you are bored.  So difficult sometimes, but I can do it! 

Hoping for a better week on that front.

I am hoping that the next two rules I state will help me with the "Eat when you are hungry" rule:

Rule #46: Stop eating before you are full-sounds simple right?  Why is it so hard then? Instead of asking if I am full, ask if my hunger is gone.

Rule #49: Eat slowly: so I can enjoy my food more; so I can know better when to stop.  Pollan suggests to put down your fork between bites.  This way you enjoy your food more often instead of just scarfing your whole plate down in 5 seconds (something I have been known to do on occassion...)

Okay, yay for more food rules!  We can do it!  We can, we can! 

Who's with me this week?


Mindy said…
I'm with you on this. I totally -- TOTALLY -- need to stop my bad habits! Thanks for your inspiration :)

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