
I went on my 6 mile run today (we did not run last night). My favorite thing about it was when it was over. :) No, but really, it went well. I love saying good morning to everyone. It is the only contact with the outside world that I have most days so I charish it! Well, on my last lap this lady asked me how many laps I usually run. I told her that today I was running six and she said "Wow". Well, I kept running until my lap was finished and as I was walking to my car she passed me again and asked how old the baby was. I told her 6 months and she had the audacity to say "Wow, you still working it off huh?" What gives? Was she meaning that as a complement? because I sure did not take it as one. She could have said "Wow, your still fat" and have it mean practically the same thing. Thanks lady. Its not easy for everyone to control their weight, especially during pregnancy. I am not the perfect woman who gets pregnant and hardly gains anything and then lose whatever she had gained in weeks. I wish I were but I'm not. So, give me a break. I gained over fifty pounds. And yes, it is taking me a lifetime to lose those fifty pounds, but at least I am doing something about it! Next time I am pregnant I am going to be so careful to only gaine the recommended weight. I do not want to do this again. No way! That just kind of made me mad! But, hey, I'm over it, or so I think, over at least what she said, but not so much over other women who get pregnant and don't gain a single thing (besides the baby inside of her). That makes me sick with envy and jealousy. Why can other people eat exactly what they want and never gain an ounce? I am the type of person that if I just look at a cookie I will gain ten pounds. We saw one of the husband's old friends when we went to his hometown last month. She has a baby the same age as ours. Well this girl was a stick. You couldn't even tell she was pregnant six months ago. Her stomach was so flat! Mine wasn't even that flat when I was the skinniest I've been! It made me sick. Life kind of sucks that way. okay, I am going to get of my pedistal but it still just makes me sick!

I chose to be the woman who is healthy and who will lose this weight (no matter what other people think) and I will be better my next pregnancy. okay, I think I feel better now, at least a little bit. No guarantees that this won't happen again though. Okay, enough comparing myself to other people. That never gets anyone anywhere. OKay. I REALLY am better now. Thanks for listening to my jabbering!


Lindy said…
It seems some people have a little fog when it comes to their pregnancy and children. I had somebody say "My kid was never like that in church" luckily another person heard it and said "She has no idea what she's talking about her. Her kids were terrible". Keep up the good work!

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