3 times

I weighed myself three times in a row to see if I weighed the same as the first time... wow, I did! I got to pinch myself. Did this really happen? 11 Pounds, wow!!!!!

FYI: My awesome cousin Kristi just started a healthy blog herself. She is a MLWAP too (Momma Losing Weight After Pregnancy). She has been one of my inspirations as I have started this weightloss. Love her to pieces. Check out her blog-http://krististhoughtsandsuch.blogspot.com/

Love it!


Kristi said…
Awwww! You are so sweet! I love you too!!!! And yes - you did it - you deserve it!!!! You have been doing so awesome and what an awesome boost! You are getting sooo close to your goal! Wooo hooooo!
Trainer Momma said…
It's a good weigh in day! Yipee for you!
Amber said…
I am not even sure how to express how awesome that is!!! Holy cow!! 11 lbs?!!! You go girl!

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