Glad that is over

Today was just one of those days. I did not do much. I ate too much. And i did not exercise during the day. Finally after the babe was asleep I decided to exercise. Thank goodness I did! It has just been SO HARD to stay on top of this diet thing while I am at my parents house. There is food EVERYWHERE. And its not healthy food either. Its CRAP. Excuse my language, but that is what it is. What is a girl to do? Sometimes I feel so helpless! I don't want to eat that but when it is out on the table its impossible to say no. YUCK!

But, the moral of the story is that even though I did not want to exercise and even though I was lazy and ate somewhat unhealthy today I was able to end it right by exercising. So glad i did that. So glad that this day is almost over, so I can make tomorrow a better day.


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