
First things first: Kristi I went bootcut. At least I think that is what I chose. I don't know how specific I was...

Second thing: I bought some longsleeve shirts to wear under my short sleeve ones and I got medium (because they said size 8-10). I got scared from getting the small (size 4-6). But, when I got home I tried one of them on, and was pleasently surprised to find that the medium were way to big!!!!! How awesome is that???? I am not looking forward to having to go through the hassle of returning the ones I bought, but hallelujah for the fact that mediums are too big!!!

One thing I like about lifting weights is that it disguises my real weight. Everyone thinks I am a skinny-minny (Im getting there), but they are suprized when they find out what I weigh. I think it is all the circuit training that I do. WOOHOO!

I am glad that I am losing weight and I am glad that I changed my life so that I can be healthier for my family and be able to be active for Kinsey. Okay, sorry for my excitement, I am just so excited! :)


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