YA DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight the hubby came home a little early so I could get my first bike ride in with my new bike before it got dark! What a sweet husband! He took the bike outside for me. What a sweetheart! I put my helmut on, and I was off! I rode up and down my road. The way up is up, literally uphill. So, the first part was the toughest part. I started and thought there was absolutely no way. So, I turned around and rode back to the house to talk to Scott about it. He told me to switch the gear. DUH! I should have thought of that! So, on I went! The way up the windy road was difficult. I stopped a few times. My heart was really pounding out of my chest! It was the hardest workout I have had in a long time, which is awesome! The reward was riding the bike back home. It was mostly downhill, so I just had to coast. What a reward, with the wind through my hair, ah... So, my maiden voyage on my new bike was a success! This was my first and last ride on my road. I will get to explore new roads in New Mexico in three 1/2 weeks! There are a few things I might get...I am definitely going to have to get a pad for the seat and some of those padded shorts or something though... and my thighs are tired! So, it took me thirty minutes. In that thirty minutes I burned 529 calories (that is what it said on my-calorie-count.com). SWEET! I am pretty excited to train on the bike. It will be a nice change! I think it will definitely help with the rest of my weightloss! I recommend it to anyone! Ya Dude!


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