Goals, goals, goals


I know some of you are thinking, "Ya, I already know about goals. I make goals all of the time, but man, they are hard to accomplish sometimes!" I know what ya mean. But, if there is one thing that I have learned the most in this 10 month journey its this- Goals are accomplished when we think of them, right them down, make a plan to accomplish them, and then do them. Goals are uber-important and essential if we want to change and become better people.

Well, yesterday I made a goal. It was this: I wanted to finish the reading for my class that I have to do this week yesterday. I wanted to finish it all yesterday. It came to be 10:30 last night and I had about 10 pages left and just couldn't do it. I went to sleep thinking that I would have had to do it while K was awake today so I could get other things done. Well, K woke up at four am, I fed her a bottle, and she went right to sleep. I didn't. I laid awake for about an hour until my hubby woke up. I figured that maybe if I read the rest of my homework assignment then I would be able to sleep. So, I read the rest of the chapter, and was able to go to sleep like that. I was upset at first that I lay awake that long, but now that I think about it I accomplished my goal! I finished something that I wanted to so before my day started this morning and I did!

Goals are a many splendid thing. Think of them, write them down, create a plan, and do it!


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