Stress relief

There are a few reasons why I work out:
1. I stay fit.
2. It keeps my body healthy (my body deserves it, right?)

Exercise relieves my stress. I figured that out today, although I think my mind has secretly known that for months. Here is how I figured it out:

This morning I slept in. Bad idea, but I did because the baby was up for an hour early this morning so I slept in. When I got up I regretted I did because today's list of things to do is more than 10 pages long. I am behind in homework. I am behind in housework. I needed to exercise. I needed to review my plan for graduating by the end of this year and call my advisor to clear up a few things on said plan. This last thing on my list was the most stressful thing on my list today. It took me hours to work on, and I feel like I got nowhere. I am not very happy with BYU-Idaho's website right now. Called my advisor and had to leave a message. When will she ever get back to me? These things take forever.

For a few minutes a half hour ago I almost decided to to exercise because of everything else I had to get done, and because of the time of day it is. Something my husband has told me popped into my head, "It is better to exersise some today than to not have exercised at all." So, I got my exercise clothes on, went downstairs and put in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout. I decided to go to level three, not that level two was easy, but it was getting to the point where I did not feel like I had enough of a workout by the end of it. Boy am I glad that I did level three. Even though it was only a 25 minute workout, it kicked my behind! What else did I feel? I do not feel nearly as stressed as I did before my workout. Although I still have a lot of things to do and little time, exercising, although a short for a short time, helped my mind clear up, and I am able to refocus and move onward in my day. YAY!

Another realization: I don't STRESS-EAT any more! When I am stressed I don't go get food! Yay!!!! I finally have control over that! Now, I just look forward to my meal times and I always try to make something yummy and something I will enjoy. Okay. Just wanted to plug that in! What an accomplishment!

So, my new motto: It is better to exercise a little today than no exercise at all. Got to defend my past weight loss, as well as my future weightloss goals. Good luck today defending healthy goals and accomplishments!


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