A sense of humor

Sometimes, I think that God has a sense of humor about things.  These last few days I have felt like that.  I have been an emotional basketcase, to say the least.  And, don't think is my inlaws, because its not.  They are absolutely WONDERFUL, and have treated me like a queen.  Nope, its something else. 

So, the short of the long of it is this: we aren't moving, but we are.

Confusing huh?  You betcha!

Here is the long of the short story:

So, yesterday morning I called my husband to make sure that he packed what I forgot needed him to bring to South Carolina before he left on a plane to Chicago to find us a house in Valparaiso, IN.  After a few loose ends were tied togther, he said, "I don't know how to say this to you, but I called the superintendent in Valparaiso to tell him I was on my way to look for houses and he says 'why are you coming to look for houses.  You aren't going to move here.'"  So my husband said, "What?????????" The super was like "I heard you were going to Augusta, Maine instead."  Needless to say, Scott hadn't heard that, and if that is true we wish he would have heard it sooner than as he was on his way to Valpo.  So, then he told me that he called his boss in New Mexico and asked him what the deal was.  He hadn't heard anything so he called the operations manager, the one who Scott has been dealing with as far as raises, and moving, and promotions and all that is concerned, and he said, no haven't heard, but  I did miss the managers meeting, so maybe I missed something.  JUST "missed" something?  That's not something that I just want them to "miss".  So, anyway, Scott was like, okay, I'll wait to hear the real story.  So the whole day we were both waiting to see where we were going.  What a nasty trick to play!  I was a basketcase the entire day.  Why tell us we are staying in new mexico two months ago, just to say we are moving to Indiana two weeks ago, to saying that we weren't moving to Indiana but to Maine?  And, why was it a superindendent that told Scott, not one of the people that normally do it? 

So, to say the least, I was not happy about this situation.  Just wrench my heart out into a million pieces k?  I was kind of looking forward to living so close to Chicago.  Anyhow, we heard nothing before I went to bed last night.

Onto this morning:
Its my bday!  YAY!  So, I decided that nothing is going to ruin my bday, and I am just going to be happy.  But, I didn't get a call from my hubby for what seemed ages.  I didn't want to call him because its my bday.  He's supposed to call me, right???  So I shower, and I missed a call, or what I thought, but checked later, after complaining to my SIL that he hadn't called yet, when in actuality he called, while I was in the shower.  Bad Alisa.  Bad Alisa.  I kicked myself in the behind for that one, and promptly called him and apoligized.  Anyhow.  I got the real story.  Here it is:

We are moving, but not to Valparaiso, IN, and not at the end of the year.  The operations manager was extremely apologetic, and explained that he had "read the list wrong" and told Scott that we had been slated for the Augusta, Maine job all along, he just got it mixed up and thought we were going to IN.  So, we are moving to Augusta, Maine, not now, but in January, February, or March, whenever they tell us to be there, which will be, as usual, a close to last minute thing.  So, my husband is in Chicago, IL for 1 1/2 days until his scheduled flight to come to SC, time which he thought would be looking for a home, but now is time that he is going to use to romp around Chicago without me.  Tickets are too expensive to try and get him here today, and there might be a very slight chance he can get on an early morning plane tomorrow, but its a very slight chance.

So, there it is.

God has a sense of humor I think.  He wanted to see how I would handle it.  I don't know if I handled it well enough, but I got through it okay.  Good news, there is a bread conference in Maine, 50 min away from Augusta next July.  I'm SO going! 

Sorry Hobbs people, but your stuck with us for a little longer.  Can you stand it?


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