What a great Christmas!

My husband and family were awesome! I got some great gifts, and luckily they loved everything that I gave them. I had a fun spending time with my family. I would have to say that I did not do that bad on eatiung yesterday. I let myself eat most everything, I just did not overeat anything. I felt in control, and I did not feel guilty by the end of the day. It was awesome!

So, I showed my husband the trainermomma's post on stocking stuffers. He actually bought some of the things to put in my stocking! He is so wonderful! I was also proud of myself because much of the candy my mom gave to me I gave back to her to put in the stocking she was going to give a to a guy in their ward. So, now I don't have candy lingering around just calling my name. Love it!
I even exercised! I got Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred from my husband. It has 3 twenty minute workouts: easy, medium, and hard. I am glad to say that the easy one was too easy for me!. They recommended starting with the first one and working your way up, so that is what I did. So, next time the medium workout is what I will try. Yay! I recommend to everyone this dvd. It is good especially for when you don't have time to do an hour workout. The workouts are 20 minutes long.

I was also able to use my new heartrate monitor during my workout! I even noticed that during the cardio parts of the workout I got up to 85% my maximum heartrate! Cool huh?

I spent much of the day reading through my new cookbooks. I got So Easy Recipes by Ellie Krieger and Family Cookbook by the Biggest Loser. There is some awesome stuff in both of them. I might try a breakfast for myself this morning, depending on what my mom wants to make for breakfast. Both books have yummy recipes and calorie counts. Yes!

Those were my awesome presents that will contribute to the healthy life I want to live. I am so grateful for my husband for supporting me in all I do. I got some other fun gifts, but this are the ones that will help with my health! Love it!

It was wonderful to celebrate my Savior's birth yesterday. I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who loved us enough to send His Only Begotten Son so that we might be able to return to him. It is through Christ that we are saved. It is through Christ that we can return to Heavenly Father. It is through Christ that we can repent of our sins so that we can be with our families rae forever. I am grateful that Christ was born. I know that he died for our sins. I know that He lives and that He loves me. He loves me. He knows who I am. I know that. I am grateful we set aside at least one day specifically for Christ. We really need to devote our whole lives to Him...

Okay. Enough talking. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!



Lindy said…
I love the 30 day Shred (when I'm not 7 months pregnant). My hubby will even do it if he can't get out to run! I'm glad you had a wonderful (healthy) Christmas.

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