I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost three pounds! Oh ya, oh ya. Its my birthday, I wanna party! Oh ya, oh ya! *She says this while dancing and jumping all over the place with excitement (please imagine me doing so, it makes this post way more fun...*

Okay, so its not my birthday, but I sure do feel like partying! I lost 3 pounds this week! THREE POUNDS! That is the biggest number I have pulled since before the holidays! Ya Dude!!!!!

I am down to my pre-prego weight of 135! Woohoo! Woohoo!!!!! I wanna party! Oh, ya! Oh, ya! Okay, but seriously. You don't know how I have longed and weighted (pun intended) for this day! I can't believe it! No, really, I can. The baby will be one in a few weeks. I am glad I at least got the my preprego weight before then. Now, the plan is to hopefully lose a few more pounds... I would like to get 10 pounds away from 135 because 135 is right on the edge of being overweight, but its not. I don't want to be right on the edge. I want to be far away from it. For my height I can be 105-135. I definitely do not think I can get down to 105 because I have never been there, and don't know if I want to try spending more of my time trying to get there, but 10 more pounds with be nice. Another reason I want to lose a little more is because when I get pregnant next time, and there will be a next time, just not that soon, I want to be at 125 so that when I gain the weight they suggest I will only be in the 140s, 150s max, not the 180s (gross!) (I am going to be way more healthy next time. I ate SO much my last pregnancy, and it was not healthy either).

But, then, if it doesn't happen, I won't stress. I mean, really, look how far I have come! I have now lost over fourty pounds! (closer to fifty, because before I had K, I weighed something like 185, I know scary huh, especially when one is 5'2"). Oh ya, oh ya!

Can you tell I am excited?

I so just want to go kick my workout's behind again today, but the only problem is that one side of my back hurt so bad I can barely move. You know when you sleep wrong or something and you have this huge kink in your neck/back and you can't get it out? That is what it feels like, although its worse and I did not get it from sleeping. It happened sometime yesterday. It hurts to bend. It hurts to stand up straight. Argh. I think I am going to fight through it and just workout anyway. Its definitely not an injury just a kink or something.

By the way, I got this awesome cookbook last night, and yes I stayed up and looked at all of the recipes last night as well. Its calledl "Betty Crocker, the 300 calorie cook book". How cool is that????? Right now, the most I should eat in one sitting is 300 calories. So, when I found this book, I found a goldmine. It is wonderful! I can't wait to cook out of it today!

*Betty Crocker did not ask me to endorse this product, just wanted to let you know about my cool find!*

Alright. Yay for 3 pounds lost! Yay for being my pre-preggo weight! Yay for more goals! I heard losing the last 10 pounds is the worst, and it was, so we shall see how the very last ten pounds will be!

Okay, sorry I am talking so much, I am just so excited!


Amanda said…
That is so awesome! You are amazing! Keep up the good work, and keep telling us about it, so we have inspiration to do it ourselves.
Kristi said…
I am sooo proud of you!!!! You did it!!!
That betty crocker book sounds amazing - I will have to look it up!
Also - you need to post pics! You are there!!!!
Amber said…
YOU DID IT!!!!!!!! Awesome!!
Davis and Laura said…
I weighed 192 on my last doctor appointment. Don't worry, you weren't alone. I gained a ton more weight than planned and I totally and DEFINATELY will not be doing that again. Alot of it was water weight and that was one reason why I was induced. Its funny how it kinda sneaks up on you, ha? I'm just were you are at now, at a good weight but wanting to lose that extra 10 lbs. Its killer! You're doing great and I'm happy that I found your blog again ( I don't know where it went-ha!) Keep up the good work. Its nice to have a friend to help you along. :)
Trainer Momma said…
Thanks for the cookbook idea -- I've never heard of that! I'll definitely be checking it out. Oh -- AND HIGH FIVE for meeting your goal!

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