I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I lost three pounds! Oh ya, oh ya. Its my birthday, I wanna party! Oh ya, oh ya! *She says this while dancing and jumping all over the place with excitement (please imagine me doing so, it makes this post way more fun...*
Okay, so its not my birthday, but I sure do feel like partying! I lost 3 pounds this week! THREE POUNDS! That is the biggest number I have pulled since before the holidays! Ya Dude!!!!!
I am down to my pre-prego weight of 135! Woohoo! Woohoo!!!!! I wanna party! Oh, ya! Oh, ya! Okay, but seriously. You don't know how I have longed and weighted (pun intended) for this day! I can't believe it! No, really, I can. The baby will be one in a few weeks. I am glad I at least got the my preprego weight before then. Now, the plan is to hopefully lose a few more pounds... I would like to get 10 pounds away from 135 because 135 is right on the edge of being overweight, but its not. I don't want to be right on the edge. I want to be far away from it. For my height I can be 105-135. I definitely do not think I can get down to 105 because I have never been there, and don't know if I want to try spending more of my time trying to get there, but 10 more pounds with be nice. Another reason I want to lose a little more is because when I get pregnant next time, and there will be a next time, just not that soon, I want to be at 125 so that when I gain the weight they suggest I will only be in the 140s, 150s max, not the 180s (gross!) (I am going to be way more healthy next time. I ate SO much my last pregnancy, and it was not healthy either).
But, then, if it doesn't happen, I won't stress. I mean, really, look how far I have come! I have now lost over fourty pounds! (closer to fifty, because before I had K, I weighed something like 185, I know scary huh, especially when one is 5'2"). Oh ya, oh ya!
Can you tell I am excited?
I so just want to go kick my workout's behind again today, but the only problem is that one side of my back hurt so bad I can barely move. You know when you sleep wrong or something and you have this huge kink in your neck/back and you can't get it out? That is what it feels like, although its worse and I did not get it from sleeping. It happened sometime yesterday. It hurts to bend. It hurts to stand up straight. Argh. I think I am going to fight through it and just workout anyway. Its definitely not an injury just a kink or something.
By the way, I got this awesome cookbook last night, and yes I stayed up and looked at all of the recipes last night as well. Its calledl "Betty Crocker, the 300 calorie cook book". How cool is that????? Right now, the most I should eat in one sitting is 300 calories. So, when I found this book, I found a goldmine. It is wonderful! I can't wait to cook out of it today!
*Betty Crocker did not ask me to endorse this product, just wanted to let you know about my cool find!*
Alright. Yay for 3 pounds lost! Yay for being my pre-preggo weight! Yay for more goals! I heard losing the last 10 pounds is the worst, and it was, so we shall see how the very last ten pounds will be!
Okay, sorry I am talking so much, I am just so excited!
Okay, so its not my birthday, but I sure do feel like partying! I lost 3 pounds this week! THREE POUNDS! That is the biggest number I have pulled since before the holidays! Ya Dude!!!!!
I am down to my pre-prego weight of 135! Woohoo! Woohoo!!!!! I wanna party! Oh, ya! Oh, ya! Okay, but seriously. You don't know how I have longed and weighted (pun intended) for this day! I can't believe it! No, really, I can. The baby will be one in a few weeks. I am glad I at least got the my preprego weight before then. Now, the plan is to hopefully lose a few more pounds... I would like to get 10 pounds away from 135 because 135 is right on the edge of being overweight, but its not. I don't want to be right on the edge. I want to be far away from it. For my height I can be 105-135. I definitely do not think I can get down to 105 because I have never been there, and don't know if I want to try spending more of my time trying to get there, but 10 more pounds with be nice. Another reason I want to lose a little more is because when I get pregnant next time, and there will be a next time, just not that soon, I want to be at 125 so that when I gain the weight they suggest I will only be in the 140s, 150s max, not the 180s (gross!) (I am going to be way more healthy next time. I ate SO much my last pregnancy, and it was not healthy either).
But, then, if it doesn't happen, I won't stress. I mean, really, look how far I have come! I have now lost over fourty pounds! (closer to fifty, because before I had K, I weighed something like 185, I know scary huh, especially when one is 5'2"). Oh ya, oh ya!
Can you tell I am excited?
I so just want to go kick my workout's behind again today, but the only problem is that one side of my back hurt so bad I can barely move. You know when you sleep wrong or something and you have this huge kink in your neck/back and you can't get it out? That is what it feels like, although its worse and I did not get it from sleeping. It happened sometime yesterday. It hurts to bend. It hurts to stand up straight. Argh. I think I am going to fight through it and just workout anyway. Its definitely not an injury just a kink or something.
By the way, I got this awesome cookbook last night, and yes I stayed up and looked at all of the recipes last night as well. Its calledl "Betty Crocker, the 300 calorie cook book". How cool is that????? Right now, the most I should eat in one sitting is 300 calories. So, when I found this book, I found a goldmine. It is wonderful! I can't wait to cook out of it today!
*Betty Crocker did not ask me to endorse this product, just wanted to let you know about my cool find!*
Alright. Yay for 3 pounds lost! Yay for being my pre-preggo weight! Yay for more goals! I heard losing the last 10 pounds is the worst, and it was, so we shall see how the very last ten pounds will be!
Okay, sorry I am talking so much, I am just so excited!
That betty crocker book sounds amazing - I will have to look it up!
Also - you need to post pics! You are there!!!!