See my garden grow
We are having so much fun as we watch our garden grow. This first picture is a picture of our herbs. We have basil, oregano (one of my favorites), and parsley. There is also a red bell pepper plan (I had to have one more of those!). I am on the look out for some cilantro. Haven't found any yet, but I LOVE cilantro.
Here are half of our grean bean plants. They are our fastest growing plants. Can't wait to get some grean beans!
These are our bell pepper plants- green ones I think. We planted a mixture, so I am not entirely sure. If they are all green, its a good thing I bought some red too!
Our onions. Almost time to thin them out... I can't wait to get homegrown onions!
Up until last night, when my daughter decided to pick a tomato way too early, we had eight tomatoes. Sweet! These are the things that my husband I are really excited for! Homegrown tomotoes kick the socks of those from the store.
I also planted marigolds last night. We noticed that some of our plants have bug bites on the leaves. I did not want to use a pesticide, so I have been researching natural/organic pest control ideas, and marigolds are super good for keeping the pests away, so now we have marigolds planted in the center of our garden. They sure have a strong smell! They also add a little bit of color which is super nice. I will keep you updated so you could watch our garden grow. Can't wait to post recipes with stuff we use from our garden. Wahoo!