Day two of Bliss

This marks day two of eating the graham crackers-yep.  I have had them for every snack since they were made.  That must mean they are good!  (I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm gonna).  No, but really, they are tasty.  Next time I make them, I am going to roll them out even thinner-instead of rolling them out on the pan, I will just roll them out on the counter, then transfer to the pan, still using the parchment paper.  I am also going to poke holes in it just like regular graham crackers.  But, the flavor is amazing, and I would not even change it, chocolate and all... 

Stay tooned for later today.  I am planning on making the Snickerdoodles.  I will talk about the changes I made to the recipe as well as the calorie counts...  The great thing is that they are whole wheat, and they do not include shortening in the recipe.  Yay! 

Tomorrow my baking adventures will be Honey Whole Wheat Bagels and maybe the buns again.

All of these recipes are from  I like the website, although I think she uses way to much butter in her recipes, so I change them around a little, but all in all, it is a great website with a lot of great recipes.

Okay, now, I must go exercise-today is one of those days where I really just don't want to do it, but I have to this morning, because I am going to see Letters to Juliet tonight!  Hence the reason for the snickerdoodles-got to have a treat while watchin a movie, and the best kind of treat- both for health and wealth- is the homemade kind.  CAN'T WAIT!


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