Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope your day has been swell! We have enjoyed doing the traditions of easter with our one year old as well as pigging out on cinnamon rolls and easter candy. It has been a rough weekend as far as the eating well plan is going. We went out of town on Friday and my diet kind of went out of the window a little/lot. And then, today we are celebrating easter, and it is always hard to say no to stuff on holidays. I as pretty mad with myself yesterday, but have since decided that it is okay, and I will do better on Monday. So, tomorrow I will get back into the grind. The unfortunate thing about human, is that we are prone to mistakes, a lot of them. And my mistakes are usually about food-especially in social situations. So, tomorrow I am going to yet again strive to repent from my weekend mistakes, and eat better, and exercise well this week. It is also the last week of my semester, and when I am stressed, I eat, so, I have to stick to the plan this week and count every stinking calorie, stay within my limit, and exercise every day. Hope your easter went well too! And, if you fell off the bandwagon like me this weekend, lets get back on it and do better! Yay for goals and accomplishing them! We can fight this continual battle and we can win! I can do it this week! I hope. I hate that I struggle with this! Why can't I just hate sweets... that would make life a WHOLE lot easier... Oh well. The candy and cinnamon rolls are going with the hubby to work tomorrow and I will start anew. Okay, lets get to it! Go team! break!