My adDIcTioNs

There are some things that I just cannot live without.

1. Chocolate. Probably number one thing on my list. I am addicted. Down right addicted. If I am going to indulge and have a sweet, it has to have chocolate (dark chocolate, or semisweet) in it, end of story.

2. Cereal. And, I am not talking about the sugary cereal that they call "kids cereal" (who should really be feeding that to their kids? Its LOADED with sugar), I am talking about Kashi cereal, and Life Cereal, and Quaker Oatmeal squares. My husband laughes at me because I always come home from the grocery store with boxes of cereal, even when there is a ton at home. Cereal is my go to breakfast (add some milk or yogurt, and a half a banana, some berries, and even some wheat germ-I know, your probably thinking, what is wheat germ?- cerealously, its good- and viola, you have a yummy and tasty breakfast for 300 calories-ish). Its an easy grab and go snack. I do have some qualifications for my cereal though. It has to have at least 5 grams of fiber (got to keep those bowels a-movin), and as little sugar as possible. I really like the Kashi Go Lean. If you put half a cup of that with a whole cup of the Kashi seven whole grains puffs, it is the same calories but you get more than if you just used the go lean. Then you add your own sugar, a.k.a fruit. Berries, bananas, and apple sauce are my favorite.

3. Baking and cooking. This is my get away. If I am stressed, or need a break, I like to bake. Okay, like is understating it. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! to bake. Can't get enough of it. Weekends are my baking time. Thanks to my good friend Mindy, she asks me to bake something every time we get together (which is quite often), and I love it. I get my fix, and get rid of half the temptation when she goes home because she takes it with her. Her husband likes to have cookies with his lunch, it is only right I help by making cookies for them, right? I love trying new recipes. I don't think we have had the same dish in weeks. I look at my cookbooks. I look online. Any where I can find new healthy recipes to try, I am there. Scott thinks I am weird, that I have plenty of recipes in my cookbooks, why do I need more? He just doesn't understand. I can ALWAYS have new recipes. Honest. I could read cookbooks for hours, HOURS!!! I love figuring out what I can do to make a recipe healthier and with less calories, which means I can eat more of it! YUM!

4. Eating- okay, I think you all knew that one. I LOVE eating. Nough said.

Those are only a few of my addictions. My other is my daughter's talking and laughing. She gives me whole dissertations sometimes. Wish I could understand her! So cute!


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