The Law of Thermodynamics and the law of entropy

I am taking Environmental Science right now. I just read about the Law of Thermodynamics. It says that "Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be converted from one form to another." My book goes on to say, "This law really means that you can't get something for nothing."

Okay, now I am going to relate this to my other life as I "Ponder/prove" what I have just learned. Isn't that true when it comes to being healthy? You aren't going to get any results if you don't do anything to get them. It makes perfect sense, so why is it sometimes so hard to do what you need to become more healthy? Its harder to put something into action, especially if you have never done it before, or if it seems hard. But, just remember, that you can't get something for nothing. So go do something to get something!

Then there is the law of entropy: Without energy inputs, everything goes in one direction only-toward increasing entroypy (entropy is a measure of the degree of disorder in a system). So, if you don't put any energy into becoming the best you can be, and trying to achieve your goals, your life will be full of disorder. Who wants that? So, put some back into what you are doing, and there will be more order in your life!

Okay, enough science for now. Isn't it amazing, though, what one can learn from going to school?


Amanda said…
This is so true! "if you don't put any energy into becoming the best you can be, and trying to achieve your goals, your life will be full of disorder"

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