A success

Yesterday was a success! It was the first time in weeks that I did not have a snack right before bed. And, guess what? I survived! I know, crazy huh? But, I did, and I lived to tell the story. You want to know how I did it?

First I made sure to have protein with every meal, including snacks (hard-boiled eggs are my new friends). Protein helps you stay full longer, in part with fiber. That is what I do, combine protein with high fiber food at each meal and snack.

Second, I drank water. I try to drink 2 bottles full of my nalgene 32 oz water bottle. Some say you should drink more, and sometimes I do drink more, but I am doing good with 64 oz of water. I think I get a lot of other water through the foods that I eat - lots of fruits and veggies; they are wonderful when you need to be strict on your calorie diet. You can have cups and cups of veggies for probably less than a few hundred calories. They are wonderful things. And healthy.

Thirdly, I made sure to occupy my time instead of just watching TV. When I just watch TV all I think about is food it seems. For example, last night when we were flipping channels through dancing with the stars and the NCAA basketball championship (we both did horribly on our brackets this year, still fun to watch-too bad Butler did not win), I was doing the dishes, starting the laundry, and once K was down for the night, I sat down and wrote in my journal. Journal writing is something that I was a pro at (I wrote consistantly from the time I was 12 till I met my husband), and now I am sporatic with. My goal is to get better at writing in my journal.

Fourth, and not in the least less important- I prayed the night before and during the day yesterday that Heavenly Father would help me out. And you know what, I am pretty sure He did! I have been failing to acknowledge my success as something I did with His help, and I really could not have done it without my Heavenly Father and without the support of you-my friends and family.

Fifth, I exercised. The time I exercise is the time when I start getting hungry for lunch. It is the perfect time to do something that last hour before lunch instead of snacking. Exercise also gave me the energy and determination to do the berfore metioned activities.

Sixth- I wrote it down. I planned it. And, I got er done.

My goals today:
1. finish the laundry (something that never happens in one day)
2. finish ENG 450 essay
3. take K to her one year appt.
4. Get all of the above done in time for my hubby to come home to a yummy dinner (might be homemade pizza, yum!), and a fun night at home with his girls.

Write it down. Create a plan. Get er done!


Amanda said…
Great job! We had homemade pizza last night. We had ham for Easter and I made a canadian bacon pizza with the left over ham. It was so yummy!

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