Melt Down

Last night I had one of those "Why did I have to eat that extra piece of cake? Why does my stomach have to hurt from EVERYTHING I eat?" kind of meltdowns. Why would I let something so trivial get in my way? For most of my life I have struggled with my digestive system-the kind of put-your-dukes-up-struggle. I have always just eaten what I wanted and then paid for it-immediately afterword in the form of stomach cramps (and other unpleasentness the digestive system likes to make you do), and for years to come in the form of unwanted pounds. This last year has been somewhat of a breakthrough. I have changed my eating habits to the point where I could go the day without feeling any cramps (which is kind of weird, when you are used to it your whole life), and it has been wonderful, until a couple of months ago I decided that it would be super fun to start baking again (my love-hate relationship coming into play). Every weekend is filled with fun baking-wondering how the cookies are going to turn out- and by the end of every weekend my tummy is filled with cramps and yuckiness. I just got so upset last night that I love baking but it hurts my body, every time without fail. So, guilty pleasure really takes on a lot of meaning for me. It really is a guilty pleasure, seriously. But I still eat what I bake, because it tastes good, and that is one reason I bake, so that I can taste it. But, why do I HAVE to eat that extra piece of cake? Why do I HAVE to eat that tenth cookie for the day? Weekends I have less control. Weekdays I am a calorie-counting, no-saying fiend, but once the weekend hits I wonder what I am going to bake, and the calorie-counting kind of goes out the window (I still try and stay good for my meals, but have desserts for snacks). When I am talking about this it seems so silly, because what I bake would be termed as "healthyish baking" because I lower the sugar contents, I use applesauce or yogurt instead of oil, so really they aren't that bad-hey if you are going to have sweets, try and make them somewhat good for your body right? Anyhow, I had one of those kind of meltdowns last night. My husband lovingly reasured me that it was just one extra piece of cake-really can't you work that off in an extra hard workout?- and that I am doing great, and even the one extra piece of cake is a healthier choice than what I could have made (I sustituted honey for sugar, applesauce for oil), so really could it be that bad?

The reality-no, I try and make what I bake better for me than it could be, and it is, but there is still the underlying frustration that I have to endure the stomach cramps for something I love so much! Love-hate relationship indeed.

P.S. Hope you all had a good mother's day! Mine was fantastic. My husband made me breakfast AND dinner, as well as cleaned up all of the dishes for the day. It was WONDERFUL!

What is your love-hate relationship? What are the struggles you have that give you meltdowns?


Unknown said…
Right now my love-hate relationship is meat. My pregnant body hates to digest meat. This weekend had all sorts of special things going on so I ended up eating lots of meat: Sagebrush for steak and shrimp, chicken for Saturday dinner and leftover chicken on Sunday for lunch. By Sunday evening my tummy was very much unhappy and Rolaids wasn't helping any. Oy, I had to wonder if all that was worth the pain.
Davis and Laura said…
Seriously, with how dedicated you are to your workouts and calorie counting...I don't think you should be beating yourself up about another piece of cake. But only if you are upset because it hurts your stomach. Don't feel guilty for eating ANYTHING because that can turn into something bad. My 2 cents. I stuggled with IBS for years too but mine was on the other end. More like eat something and have it come out 30 mins later. I REALLY, REALLY had to control my stress levels and what I ate. I noticed controlling my stress had the biggest impact though. Try papaya enzyme after EVERYTHING you eat. Its natural and made the world of difference for me. You can get it find it anywhere. Hope this helps.
Alisa J said…
Laura, thanks, I will have to give that a try. I know I shouldn't be mad, I am doing great, and I appreciate the reassurance. Ya, stress is key for me too, and right now with three classes it can get pretty stressful, so I just have to endure it for three months and then hopefully my IBS will get better again.
I feel the same way about the weekends as well. I do so well during the week, and then on the weekends not so much. It is frustrating, but I agree with the above comment. You are so good through out the week that you shouldn't beat yourself up too much. I also read somewhere that you are allowed a "cheat" day. It keeps your body guessing! Not that I am good with this because I am pretty hard on myself about the same thing, so this is almost therapeutic to write :)

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