Before and After pics
Okay, so I spent a few seconds taking pictures (I felt SO awkward doing it myself, so I look kind of funny). Here is a before picture. I have a lot of pictures that, from after I had K, I could put to show you a before picture, but here is one I think culminates the reason why I had the problem in the first place. I know it is okay to have a treat every once in awhile-I would go crazy if I couldn't- but when I was pregnant and after I had K I did not care. I ate stuff like this all of the time, especially when other people in the group are eating it too (so much harder to say no!) which is why I looked like that:
That was approxamately six weeks after I had K, at about 175ish pounds (probably give a few). And here I am now, appx 3 weeks before her first b-day, at 135 pounds, a side shot to directly compare:
And here is a front shot, because I felt like it:

I did not feel comfortable in that before body. It wasn't just because I had a baby 6 weeks before. Whenever I have been overweight (all through my adolescent years, and after the baby (and during)), I feel disgusted with myself. I don't like me, and feel sick. It is just not a good combo. That is why I did this. I did it to be happy, because I deserve to be happy and to feel good and confident about myself. I want to strut my stuff. I want K and Scott to feel proud that I their mother and wife. I want to feel good, and not constantly be sick in my stomach because of unhealthy food.
My body feels better. My mind is clearer. I am better suited as a mom and wife because I am not as lazy, I have more energy. I have made myself more available to be of service to them. I am so glad I have made the choice to lose weight and that I actually have done it!
I look at my before picture, and I hope that I will not do that again when I am pregnant. Only the future will tell. I can tell you this, I am more educated about food, about exercise, and about how I am and what I need to stay focused on my goals. Anyhow, I just ment to just post the pictures, not write you a novel, but such are my tendencies always.
You are right - it is important to learn about how to use food and to exercise well!!! Great job! Wooooo hooooo!