Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

...that thy days may be long upon the land.

Today in church this was what the speakers talked about. I enjoyed their talks very much. They clarified that bringing honor to a parent is not so much about obeying. Honoring your parents means that you honor them by living righteously regardless of whether your parents are righteous themselves or not. We need to honor them no matter what. In turn, we as parents are obligated to teach our children the gospel so that they can know what they must do to bring honor on us. I don't know why this topic stuck with me so much. I just walked away with the question, "Am I doing enough that I will bring honor on my parents?" I hope so, and I will strive all of the days of my life do follow this great commandment from the Lord. I hope that my days may be prolonged if I honor my parents. It is my prayer that I will live my life in a way that will honor my father and mother. I love them and they deserve it.

Just some food for thought...


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