Why Thank you!

Today I had a presidency meeting for church I had to attend.  one of the women had brought drinks and chips from Chili's for each of us.  I was like, oh no!  Side note: Chili's chips and salsa are my weakness.  I saw them, and right away I decided, no way girly, you are not eating them!  Guess what I didn't.  End of side note...  The one that brought the drinks told me she had brought me water because one of the other ones had told her that is all I drink (very true).  I was so grateful!  The woman that had told her I drank only water told me that she thought I only drank water and ate healthy because I look so healthy.  SCORE! 

Sometimes, it is just reassuring to know that your hard work is paying off.  I have ALWAYS had negative body images about myself.  Nitpicky Nelly you can call me, and you have heard me complain about the parts of my body I don't like...  Anyhow, even though I have lost all of this weight, I still have the negative body image I had nine months ago.  What's the deal?  I know I am smaller, I know I am healthy, but for some dumb reason, I feel the need to nit pick and not be completely happy with my body.  I'm human?  Humans aren't perfect.  Even Jillian Michaels can probably nit pick about something she doesn't like about her body... Anyhow, back to the point- it was nice to know that what I am doing is really working, and that they assumed that I just drank water.  I would have felt pretty bad wasting a 32 oz? drink of soda - the extra calories are so not even worth it.  So, I got to sip a 32 oz drink of water during the meeting, which in turn kept me away from the chips and salsa that were constantly calling my name during the hour and a half of our meeting.  Thank you Char for saying I only drank water (really, its not far from the truth, I want my calories to come from substantial food, not tons and tons of sugar and empty soda.  No thanks) and, thank you water for standing by my side for that meeting.  Your one of my best friends (no seriously, I take my water everywhere, we do EVERYTHING together!  No joke). 

So, hard work does pay off!  There are going to be battles every day (heaven knows we have all had them), and some times we win them and some times we lose them (especially on the weekend for me), but they are there for us to learn.  Today I learned that I am strong enough to say no.  I knew I wanted to eat a certain amount of calories today, so I decided to stay with it by staying away from the chips and salsa.  I had no clue those chips were going to be there, but because I had a goal in mind I said no way dude!  And I did it!  Wahoo for battles won on the homefront!  If I can say no, then you definitely can say no.

What is hard for you to say no to?  (FYI-chips and salsa are not my only weakness... have you seen my ode to chocolate, or cookies yet?  Much stronger of a siren call, those ones).


Unknown said…
Rock On! Go Alisa! You're Superwoman!
Amanda said…
That's awesome! What a compliment to you. It's hard for me to say no to cheesecake. I love it!

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